Cytation C10

Cytation C10 is a high-throughput plate reader/imager that can be used in wide-field mode or confocal mode. Four filters for the standard fluorophores and one custom made filter, combined with the appropriate LED or laser sources, are available. The instrument can be used in manual mode for single image acquisition, but it is truly powerful for automated high-throughput imaging with subsequent image processing and quantification. The microscope is equipped with a temperature and CO2 controller for long term live cell imaging and measurements, e.g of proliferation rate or viability. The instrument can also be used as a plate reader for chromogenic, fluorescence or luminescence assays.

  • Samples: slides (2 at once), 6-384 well plates (different plate layouts, formats, bottom thickness are supported)
  • Objectives: 4x/0.13, 20x/0.45 Ph corr, 40x/0.6 Ph corr
  • Filters: DAPI, GFP, DsRed, Cy5, 400ex/647em. HCBF aperture for stain-free cell count
  • Plate shaking option, heating, CO2 controller for live cell assays
  • Wide field/ confocal (Nipkow spinning disc, 60µm pinhole) mode or plate reader functions
  • Tile scan, multiple positions, ROI identification, z-stack, time series
  • Postprocessing tools like deconvolution, stitching, focus stacking, quantification tools, plate annotation and reporting functions
  • The application software Gen5 for analysis is available on a separate workstation VETPC3499 that may be booked separately. Remote access is possible.